General Rules
- Abusing the report button may result in punishments.
Advertising any games related to the Lux GunZ will result in punishments.
Attempting to loophole or "get around" the rules may result in punishments.
Inappropriate names intended to harass members or the staff will be banned.
Multiple accounts are not allowed; you are entitled to only one forum account.
Respect your fellow members.
You are entitled to create another account to appeal your ban or contact a forum moderator, agreeing to follow the rules. This applies for shoutbox bans.
You are not allowed to share your forum account.
Board Rules
1. No Spamming
- Off-Topic Messages: The post has no relevance to the subject.
Grave Digging: Posting in old threads that have been inactive for more than 2 weeks; also called resurrecting.
Double or Triple Post: Posting more than once in a row. This includes posting of threads.
Bumping: Posting in a thread for it to be seen.
2. Abusive Behavior
- Trolling: Posting messages with the intention to start problems.
Threatening: Showing an intention to cause harm to gain something.
Harassment: Attacking a user through posts, threads, private messages, or anywhere related to Lux GunZ
3. Inappropriate Content
- Phishing: Attempting to steal a person's information with fake websites or programs.
Hacking: Distributing 3rd party programs to enhance game-play into LuxGunZ infect a user's computer.
Flaming: Insulting other members.
Adult Content: Nudity or other inappropriate content is not to be included in any member's post(s), signature or avatar.
We do not endorse illegal activities; any illegal software or content will be removed.
Last edited by Cookie on Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:31 pm; edited 2 times in total